6 thoughts on “crop-circles-014

    1. The image that you see in this crop circle is a very close likeness to a ufo in a dream of mine about 45 days ago. The craft was very beautiful and shimmering. It had structure and yet was much like a kite that had an organic quality to it. It was quite spellbinding. The dream turned however when from the ends of the wings of the craft dropped luminescent parachute like affairs that floated down to earth most delicately. Then upon hitting the ground burst into a napalm like fire that engulfed the entire area. I awoke at that point and the dream was over. It strange to see these images. Most beautiful to say the least. I don’t suppose you know when this circle appeared to you. Please post me if you know.

    2. Every morning as a child waking up at first light as I look to my window while still laying down, shadows of this shape flew over my head in my room. I was about 3 to 4 years old when it started. When it came over me which look like it was trying to get me, I hid under my blanket, My blanket seem to protect me from this. I peek out of my blanket waited for it to leave. Once it was gone I ran into the living room before it came back, I did not go see my parents because their doer was always locked. I open the TV right away for noise so I did not felt alone. This was happening until I was 8 years old, when we moved into another town and it went away.
      As an adult I went to chapters looking at books, behind me a book felled down I turn around no one was there. I pick up the book a picture of this crop circle, I called it a flying fish all my life. I ended up buying it, read it, drew it. Now I have a hole new understanding of it and after a series of activities in my life, I am now a true believer of God.

  1. First Impression: No question – it a population moving Battle Star Group… ON its way where… ???

  2. Googled crop circles and found this.Seen one like it flying over me at 6.45am whist havin smoke outside.Very fast-horizon to horizon in 3-4 secs and blew me mind.Everyone thinks Im tellin lies.

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